

When submitting content to be considered for publication in 分析师, please include the following information:


的名字, 度, 社会兼职, 地址, and telephone numbers of each author must appear on a separate page with the title of the manuscript.


通过电子邮件发送一份文章副本. The manuscript should be typed and saved as a Word file. Footnotes should be typed and saved separately as text. 请不要使用“脚注”功能. Tables should be saved as their native file.


The length of feature technical articles should be between 1,000 to 2,500 words. (Most word processing programs have a “word count” feature. For example, Microsoft Word has “word count” under the “tools” bar.)

Clearly identify the article’s topic in the title. Try to use approximately five words in the title. Use subheads, when needed, throughout the article.

分析师 uses the APA Style Manual as its style guide when editing the articles. 作者应该使用APA. Articles will be edited and modified to follow the APA style. 其他需要注意的事项:

  • 写主动祈使句.
  • 是全面的. A topic is never explained in too much detail for review purposes.


An abstract is a summary, usually 150–200 words, that appears at the beginning of the article. The abstract should state the purpose of the article, 基本程序, 主要发现, 和结论. 在这里列出关键词.

The introduction describes the purpose of the article, 陈述主题, and relates pertinent background information.

The main body of the article contains a full description of the techniques, 程序, 使用的材料和方法. Often a step-by-step approach is best, with photographs that show a technique in progress.

The conclusion is a summary of the article. This section contains major findings of related research, 相关研究结果, or the advantages of the technique or procedure described.

All technical articles should be well-researched and well-documented. 所有文章都必须引用参考文献. (Undocumented articles are accepted only if the technical process described is the author’s original work and information.)

Every source-book, magazine, pamphlet, person, website, etc.,用于物品必须有文件证明. Even if specific quotes from the sources are not used, the sources must be cited and compiled alphabetically at the end of the article under the heading “bibliography” or "references."

When direct quotes and passages are used, they should be cited in the text. All references should be parenthetical and should correspond with the bibliography or reference list at the end of the document. Please consult the APA Style Manual for further details.

虽然 分析师 promotes nonproprietary articles, it recognizes that some techniques are 产品-specific. Therefore a list of 产品s used and manufacturers’ names and 地址 may be included as references. Please reference 产品 names once and then use the generic term thereafter.


分析师 encourages the use of photographs or illustrations to reinforce the content of an article.

The average number of photographs included for technical articles is 5-10. Digital photos should be saved as tiff or eps files.

Save all 图形, 图表s and 表 as separate, native files.

照片, 图形, 图表s and 表 should be clearly identified. 编号并识别这些插图. Include a separate page that lists each photograph, 图形, 图表, 和带有相应标题的表.

使用照片的书面许可, illustrations or research belonging to another individualor company is required of the author(s). This includes proper reference to registered ortrademarked 产品 names or companies. The author(s) must obtain the correct name andparticular copyright of any material, 产品, 或制造商参考. AWT和 分析师 是必需的, 由法律规定, to obtain a statement from the author(s) to ensure that all such permissionshave been obtained for the work presented in the manuscript.

To ensure that both solicited and unsolicited works receive prompt and fair consideration, 分析师 通过了下列程序:

  1. 收到文章后, the Technical Editor reviews the article for its appropriateness and gives his recommendations to staff.
  2. The author(s) is then notified of the Technical Editor's recommendation, either to accept an article for publication, 修改后接受它, 或者拒绝.
  3. 如果文章已被接受, the author will be notified of the publication date assoon as it is decided.
  4. All articles are reviewed by AWT’s Technical Editor and Editor at the laser proof stage (this is the final proof before going to the printer for publication).



编辑器, 分析师

For more information, please contact the editor at (301) 740-1421 or hzimmerman@braendebriketter.com.



Use the following checklist to help you with your 分析师 article.

The article is original work and has not been published elsewhere. If it has been published elsewhere, the author has permission to publish it in 分析师.

The content does not simply promote a 产品, service, or company.

The manuscript is the appropriate length, and the appropriate style and structure has been followed.


All terms used are thoroughly defined and slang terms have been avoided.

All chemical equations have been checked for accuracy.

所有的照片, 图形, 表, and 图表s have been properly identified and submitted in the appropriate format.

The reference list (if included) is complete.



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  • Walchem Iwaki美国
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  • Brenntag